Frequently asked questions.

What is trek?

From 1856 to 1860, about 3,000 Latter-day Saints pulled handcarts across the American plains to gather in the Salt Lake Valley. These pioneers trekked more than a thousand miles through heat and cold; through mud, sand, and sometimes snow; and through rivers and over mountains. They faced trials that required great faith and perseverance.

As a way of honoring the pioneers and getting just a taste of what they experienced in their overland journey, you will be assigned a trek “family” complete with a Ma & Pa and siblings. Most of your time will be spent with your “family” but you will also have opportunities to interact with others as well! During the trek reenactment you’ll be wearing period clothing and pulling replica handcarts like those the handcart pioneers used. Together with your “family,” you will be pulling your handcart packed with your belongings approximately 20 miles during the 4 days.

When is trek?

  • Wed, May 8th is a stake-wide activity at the Stake Center where you’ll learn more details about trek including what to wear, how to prepare, and some of the fun activities that will be part of trek.

  • Tue, July 9th is a special devotional the night before when trek “families” will be announced

  • Wed, July 10 to Sat, July 13th is the main reenactment part of trek in the Sierra Nevada.

  • Sun, July 14th is the closing devotional at the Stake Center.

  • Your ward may also have some trek-related activities leading up to the reenactment.

Where is trek?

Trek will be about 15 miles southwest of Kirkwood Mountain Resort off of Hwy 88. The specific coordinates of our staging area are 38.627716, -120.229882.

Why do we do trek?

Trek can be a powerful way to help you learn from the experiences of the handcart pioneers. Trek will provide opportunities for you to:

  • Strengthen your testimony

  • Build unity

  • Do family history

  • Learn and appreciate Church history

  • Feel gratitude for the sacrifices of the pioneers and the heritage they provided

  • Appreciate their blessings more fully

  • Seek and find guidance to overcome challenges

  • Focus on serving and rescuing others

  • Learn core gospel principles

Will I be with my friends?

During registration, you’ll be asked to include two friends you’d like in your “family.” We will try to make sure one of them is in your family. Additionally, you’ll bump into friends on the trail, at meal times, and there will even be some activities that involve the whole group. But we really encourage you to make new friends within your trek “family!” We think you’ll find they’re pretty awesome people and you’ll learn to help and support one another through your shared challenges.

How is family history part of trek?

Leading up to trek, you’ll have an opportunity to learn about an ancestor, handcart pioneer or not - it doesn’t matter. On trek you’ll have chances to share information about your ancestor with members of your “family” and you’ll be able to walk in honor of that individual and in celebration of the blessings they’ve brought to your life through their sacrifices.

How can I prepare for trek?

  • Attend the activities leading up to trek

  • Complete the registration, medical form and ancestor one-pager

  • Take some practice hikes! Head to the hills with your family or friends, break in your hiking or walking shoes and build those hiking muscles!

  • Have an awesome attitude – be open to new experiences, activities that challenge you, and opportunities to meet new youth

  • Pray for the Spirit to teach you lessons that Heavenly Father wants you to learn. Many trek alumni report that trek is one of the most powerful testimony building experiences of their youth. We testify that you can and will grow closer to the Savior as you ask, seek, and knock. (Matthew 7:7)